FINS (Federatzione Isport Natzionale Sardu) was born in 2012 to build a sport network like the other nations.
Our goals are:
– Build the Sardinian National Team for each sport;
– Create and partecipate at international events;
– Build the Sardinian National Championship for each sport.
We need the help of everybody who loves Sardinian Sports, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
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Sports values
Fins – Federatation Natational Isport Sardu recognizes sport as a fundamental element of the existence of millions of people and considers it an important and decisive factor to improve the quality of life.
Fins recognizes, as an ideal and indispensable principle, freedom of access to sports activities, without any discrimination and in the most absolute respect for each.
Fins believes sport an element of social aggregation and recognizes (and promotes) the role of tool aimed at the demolition of social, physical and economic differences.
Fins considers sport as a means granted to the human being to constantly test himself and try to overcome his limits.
Fins accepts and defends the value of defeat as a moment of growth, maturation and recognition of the opponent’s abilities.
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Sport is the natural soil in which the private individual, in individual or collective form, implements the desire to express his psycho/motor skills, dedicating the body and mind to the attempt to always obtain the best, while preserving and taking care, in this way, his physical/mental health.
When, through sport, we confront each other with others, both individually and in a group, our commitment is no longer only physical but also social.
This is why sport is a sharing space that favors solidarity, friendship, mutual respect.
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All this said, by enrolling in Fins you commit yourself to:
– respect teammates, technicians, managers and all members of the association, accepting the decisions of the representative bodies (or appointed by them);
– accept and respect the decisions taken by the technical staff of the Fins teams;
– behave in a respectable, verbal and physical way, first, during and after sporting practice avoiding any type of discriminatory, intolerant or violent attitude;
– respect the opponent (players, technicians, managers, fans) and referees and/or judges of the race;
– compete fairly, committing yourself to reach the victory without any artifice or incorrect tool;
– respect the history, culture, territory and language of all the nations of the world (officially or not recognized);
– accepting the defeat with dignity, honoring the opponents and always respecting arbitration decisions;
– respect and honor, through sport, Sardinia and its material and immaterial heritage, the Sardinians and their uses, customs and languages, founding and constitutive elements of the Sardinian people, having equal dignity to those that distinguish all the other peoples of the world.
Above all, you commit yourself to having fun because sport is, first of all, fun.
Download Sports Values in PDF.